By Steph Breunig, HR Practice Leader

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is front of mind for businesses across Madison and the U.S. right now, and the best time to start thinking about building organizational equity into your company’s DNA is early on.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is often overlooked in the startup community, as startup teams are usually small and almost always strapped for time and money. However, DEI isn’t only for big businesses, and frankly, it might be the biggest key to unlocking a highly-productive, innovative, collaborative culture and securing investment so you can scale.

What does it mean to view your business through the lens of DEI?

How do companies move beyond one-off events and workshops to establish a foundation for lasting equity, giving you the confidence to know that your deepest values are reflected in your employees’, customers’, and community’s day-to-day experience with your organization?

Find out how we coach, consult, guide and advise small business and nonprofit leaders to create policies, processes, and practices that are deeply inclusive, equitable, just and self-perpetuating. Book a call with our HR Solutions team today!

Fine Point Consulting is a boutique consulting firm offering expert-level professional accounting & human resources services customized to meet your budget. We help entrepreneurs who are trying to scale fast, get more done, and stay lean.

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