4 Key Ways HR Consultants Save You Time and Money

As a small business owner, you're familiar with wearing multiple hats and juggling numerous responsibilities. Among these, managing human resources effectively is pivotal yet often challenging. 

From the daunting task of hiring the right talent to staying abreast of ever-changing employment laws, HR management can quickly consume significant time and resources. But what if there was a way to streamline these processes, ensuring efficiency and compliance while freeing up your time to focus on core business growth? 

This blog delves into the transformative role HR consultants can play in your business, offering solutions to these common challenges and more. Let’s explore how leveraging HR expertise can be a game-changer for your business's success.

Human resource consultants can help you avoid bad hires and get the right people onboard

How much is hiring costing you? What about a bad hire, where the unsuitable employee drains company resources without offering anything in return? Your employees are the lifeblood of your small business, and one bad apple can do significant damage, wasting time and money and putting a strain on company culture.  Almost 9 out of 10 small business owners report being directly involved in the process of searching for, vetting, and interviewing potential staffers, which can take anywhere from a week to multiple months.  

During that span, the time commitment can be significant. LinkedIn reports the following estimates: 

  • Conducting candidate interviews: 7 hours
  • Searching for suitable candidates: 6 hours
  • Contacting potential candidates: 6 hours
  • Evaluating and vetting candidates: 6 hours
  • Researching and implementing best practices: 5 hours

That’s 30 hours over the course of one to two months devoted to recruiting and hiring a single employee! Time aside, the cost of a bad hire can be substantial; according to the United States Department of Labor, a bad hire can cost your business 30 percent of the employee’s first-year earnings. This doesn’t factor in the potential revenue lost from you (or a member of your team), spending what might be 30 hours recruiting and hiring a new employee. 

On top of that, an ill-fitting employee can harm your company in other ways. At best, they’re a drain on productivity; at worst, they damage your company culture and reputation, resulting in lost customers or clients and disgruntled coworkers. 

When it comes down to it, hiring is hard; this year, in fact, 77 percent of employers globally report difficulty finding the skilled talent they need, versus 35 percent a decade earlier. When the stakes are so high, leaning on expert support can be the best path forward.

Calling in the experts: human resources consultants

HR consultants help small business owners successfully navigate the complexities of hiring. By leveraging their specialized knowledge, they can significantly reduce the likelihood of a bad hire, thus preserving the company's resources (time and money), and maintaining a positive work environment.   

With their expertise in candidate selection, HR consultants utilize advanced recruitment strategies and have a keen eye for identifying candidates who not only have the right skills but also fit well within the company's culture. This is particularly important for small businesses where each team member's impact is magnified.

Not just who to hire, but when to hire

HR consultants not only provide support during the recruitment and hiring process, but also offer guidance leading up to it. In addition to recommending who to hire, they also provide critical insights into when to hire, effectively addressing the common challenge of under or overstaffing. 

This expertise helps maintain the right balance of staff to meet business demands without incurring unnecessary costs. Overstaffing can lead to wasted resources, while understaffing can result in burnout and reduced productivity. Strategic staffing, guided by HR consultants, optimizes workforce efficiency and contributes to the overall health of the business.

HR consultants can free you up to focus on other business priorities

You know better than anyone: small business owners often face significant time and resource constraints, juggling numerous roles and responsibilities. They’re tasked with overseeing operations, marketing, sales, and financial management, often with limited staff and budgets. When it comes to HR-related to-dos, you might find your hands full. On top of the aforementioned 30 hours spent recruiting and hiring a single employee, you could be spending a significant amount of time managing tasks like payroll, compliance, and health benefit administration. 

According to a Paychex study, almost seven in 10 leaders with 100 to 249 employees spend more than one week each month on HR tasks and duties. On average, this costs $233,896 annually and grows to $10.7 million annually for larger employers. Consider the opportunity cost of handling HR internally, and perhaps single-handedly. What else could you be doing with those days — those weeks — to reach your goals, revenue-related and otherwise? By outsourcing HR tasks, small business owners can focus on core activities crucial for expansion: things like developing new products or services, enhancing marketing strategies, exploring new markets, improving customer service, and investing in research and development.

An experienced HR consultant can efficiently manage recruitment, training, compliance, and more, allowing small business owners like you to dedicate more time and energy to strategic growth initiatives. This shift in focus is vital for business development, as delegating non-core activities can lead to higher productivity and growth rates.

HR consultants can ensure you stay compliant with regulations 

Concerned about HR compliance? You’re not alone. It’s difficult to navigate the complexities of employment laws to avoid legal repercussions and financial penalties. Yet actively maintaining HR compliance is crucial for small businesses, for a number of reasons. It prevents legal issues, fosters a positive workplace, and is vital for employee retention and business reputation. Adhering to HR regulations also ensures the fair and ethical treatment of employees, leading to a stable and productive workforce.

But in an environment of ever-changing employment laws and regulations, it can be tricky to stay up to date — especially if you’re a small business owner wearing multiple (or even dozens) of hats. Time and energy investment aside, how do you know that you’re doing the right thing? How do you protect what you have so painstakingly built?

HR consultants ensure that businesses stay up to date and compliant with ever-changing employment laws and regulations, reducing the risk of legal issues that can arise from non-compliance. For small businesses, which might not have the resources to constantly monitor legal changes, this is particularly important.

HR consulting firms are a cost-effective, flexible option

Given the financial investment of handling HR-related to-dos yourself, it may come as no surprise that outsourcing HR to an experienced consultant can be quite cost-effective. And it’s certainly less expensive than hiring a full-time, in-house HR professional! This option provides the necessary HR services while minimizing costs associated with full-time employees, such as salaries, benefits, and training.

On a related note, HR consulting firms also provide flexibility, allowing businesses to scale services up or down based on current needs without the overhead of full-time staff. It solves the challenge of adapting to business fluctuations and growth phases; HR consultants can scale their services up during periods of rapid growth or scale down in more stable times. 

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding HR Consulting

Q: What major challenges do HR consultants help small business owners overcome?

A: HR consultants assist in tackling complex hiring processes, compliance issues, and time management in HR tasks.

Q:How can an HR consultant improve the hiring process for my small business?

A: They bring expertise in candidate selection, reducing the risk and cost of bad hires and ensuring cultural fit.

Q:What are the time-saving benefits of working with an HR consultant?

A: HR consultants manage time-intensive tasks like candidate interviews, vetting, and compliance, freeing up your time for core business activities.

Q: How does an HR consultant help with HR compliance and regulation?

A: They ensure your business stays up-to-date with employment laws and regulations, minimizing legal risks.

Q: Is outsourcing HR tasks to a consultant cost-effective for small businesses?

A: Yes, it can be more affordable than hiring a full-time HR professional, providing flexible and scalable HR solutions.

Q: How do HR consultants handle staffing issues like under or overstaffing?

A: They provide insights on when and whom to hire, helping maintain the right staffing levels for your business needs.

Q: Can HR consultants assist with employee training and development?

A: Yes, they can manage and implement training programs tailored to your business's specific needs.

Q: How do HR consultants protect small businesses from the risks of non-compliance?

A: They stay informed about changing laws and regulations, ensuring your business adheres to legal requirements.

Q: What kind of businesses benefit most from HR consulting services?

A: Small to medium-sized businesses without dedicated HR departments benefit significantly from HR consulting services.

Q: How can I start working with an HR consultant from Fine Point Consulting?

A: Learn more about our Human Resources services and get in touch for tailored HR solutions.

At the end of the day, HR consultants offer a multitude of benefits for small business owners, from expert hiring advice to regulatory compliance and operational efficiency. This equates to saving time and money — and avoiding major headaches. By partnering with an experienced HR consulting firm like Fine Point Consulting, you can focus on your core business goals while ensuring HR tasks are handled professionally and efficiently. Get in touch to tell us more about your small business and learn how we can help.

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